Our online training is 100% online. This includes all learning and the final exam. The course takes 6 to 8 hours to complete.
Exams are proctored live using our in-house Proctor-ME service. We do NOT use a third-party proctoring service. This gives our learners the peace of mind of knowing their privacy is being protected.
Have several team members that need to be certified food handlers? No problem. You can purchase coupons and distribute them to your team, so they don't have to pay for the course.
Coupons don't expire so you can purchase several (and get the volume discount) and email them to your team as they need them.
Learners and employers can be confident they are getting an accredited food handler certificate recognized everywhere in Canada. We have been teaching food safety for the past 25+ years!
Our team care about your success and are available 7 days a week via chat, phone and email.
Food handler certificates are distributed via email and hosted on our credential database, so you always have access. No more lost certificates!!
The FoodSafetyMarket campus offers over 560 micro-learning courses on a variety of topics ranging from remote working to cybersecurity. Each animated video lasts 2 to 3 minutes and it only takes around 15 minutes to complete an entire course.
Courses are delivered online on our easy-to-use learning platform. Courses are available for 365 days so you can learn at your leisure. Every student who completes a course receives a certificate.